
Surgery Day- Update #1

Well here we are surgery day. Even though there were minimal interruptions last night the three of hardly slept. I believe that we watched Finding Nemo at least four times through out the night. Around midnight or a little after I crawled in the bed with Gabrielle and slept with her the rest of the night. We were brought down to the pre-op area just around 7 am where we met with each of the doctors and the RN on duty. I just recieved a call from the OR room and Dr. Mehlman, the orthopedist, started the opening of the surgery around 8:15am. He will start the surgery out by cutting open her pelvic bones to make more room for the urology surgery team and the plastic surgeon to work. At the end of the surgery Dr. Mehlman will be back to close her pelvic area back and place the external fixator pins. I will be posting updates as we get them through out the day (they said they will call us around every 2 hours or so).

Thank you for your continued prayers. Having such a wonderful support system is a huge comfort to both Bart and I.

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