
Today is the day!!

Well the day is finally here... Fixator removal day, YAY! We are currently waiting for Gabby to be taken back for anesthesia. The procedure should be simple. She will the pins removed an they will check for infection in the sites. Dr. Mehlman said it should go smoothly. Dr. Alam will be coming in to do a scope of her bladder to check for bladder function and see if it is draining or will drain. He will also be changing out her supra public tube and putting in a new one. The tube will be out safety net in case her bladder stops draining once we get back home. We did notice this morning when we were doing her pin care and cleaning her up that she had urine in her diaper. This is the first time we have had a wet diaper in 6 weeks. Great news!! Dr. Alam had told us not to be surprised if we didn't see any in the diaper. 

Please pray that everything looks good and goes well I will post again after we see her in recovery. 

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