
2 more days!!!!

Well we have a had the normal ups and downs lately. Just Gabrielle acting like a three year old should, basically making Bart and I want to pull our hair out. The usual stuff like temper tantrums. Thankfully she is still healing well from the original surgery that was 5 weeks ago. I can't believe we have been living in Cincinnati for almost 6 weeks. We are so ready to be back home where Gabby can have some normalcy again. She still isn't resting well most nights, waking with fits of screaming for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Bart, Granny and I still aren't sure what the cause is. We decreased her Ditropan which I do believe was the major part of the problem. Our only other guess is the fact that she is basically what I would describe as a metal cage around her waist. The external fixator sticks out about 6 inches in front of her and about 3 to 4 inches on either side and then add into the equation that she has a tube going up her nose and down her throat. I think I would be miserable too. For the most part she has handled it like a champ. We are nearing the end of this journey here and I know that she can't wait for it to be over. Through it all she still seems beyond excited about her new flat tummy and she tells everyone at RMH that her bladder was made into a ball and put inside. She constantly talks about when she gets the ex-fix off she is going to do...everything!! We spent this morning at mass, ate lunch at Joe's Crab Shack (a nice change from hot dogs and hamburgers) and now are at Barnes and Noble picking Gabby up some new books.

I want to take a moment and ask you to pray for a couple from Tennessee we met last night at RMH last night. They have 9 children between the 2 of them. The last two were just born last week, twin boys. One was born with imperforate anus (one of Gabby's birth defects) they didn't know he was going to have anything wrong with him. The other was born with what I believe they said was a heart defect called TTSD. The first has already had surgery and the second will be having the first of many surgeries coming up. They are here by themselves all of their other children are at home in Tennessee. Please pray that their sweet baby boys come through their surgeries fine and that they are able to head back home soon. 

Counting down the days until ex-fix removal.... ONLY 2 LEFT!!!! 

Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and support. I don't think we would have made it through our journey without you all!

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