I read some words today on another persons blog that spoke volumes to me.
Carrie Cariello, author of the book What Color is Monday?, was speaking about her autistic son when she wrote them.
True, Gabrielle is not autistic. But yet having a special needs child I have learned, gives you similar views even though the afflication may not be exactly the same. The world today is changing, everyday changing. Sadly it seems more for the bad than for the better. While our hearts and minds become more accepting to more different things, there are still a mass at large that judge simply on appearance...
That person looks different. They don't communicate well. The don't make eye contact. They smell... the list could go on and on really.
Don't look at yourself and say you never do that because I know that is what some of you are doing.
You do it.
I do it.
Heck, even Gabrielle does it.
Yes, even with a special needs child that has physical limitations I catch myself looking at other adults and children and judging on appearance. One thing that I may do that some of you don't do is that I give it a second thought which is... would I want someone to talk or think about Gabrielle that way?
Next time you see someone that is different try not to stare, point, or whisper. Remember (especially if you have a child with you) they learn from you and watch and imitate what you do. If you point- they will point. If you giggle- they will giggle also. If you stare- they are going to stare too. We can not change the past, what has happened then is done and should be left there. However, with our current actions and thoughts we can change our future and what future people do. I am not being judgmental or lecturing you. I want you to know, if you want to know something please just ask us. I enjoy sharing Gabrielle's story because I hope one day to help some other family that may have been where I was almost 5 years ago now. I challenge you- I challenge myself to change the way you think and perceive things and people. I can tell you that I myself am one of the most judgmental people I know. I constantly worry about what someone else is thinking... having Gabrielle in my life is helping me move past those thoughts and broaden my perception of people.
Gabrielle is different.
Gabrielle has a colostomy.
Gabrielle will never use a bathroom in the typical way.
Gabrielle will always be shorter and smaller.
Gabrielle will always walk with a little gait to her step.
I did nothing intentionaly wrong when I was pregnant with her. I took my vitamins. I kept my weight down. I didn't have gestational diabetes. I received exception prenatal care from both my regular OB and my maternal fetal specialist. I could not control what happened to her when she was growing in my womb. We do not have all the answers as to what went wrong. Actually, we have very few answers. Questions will always uncontrollably linger. The biggest question being the smallest word... Why?
I will end my blog today exactly where I began, with the words that spoke to me from Carrie's blog... 8 simple words.
"She's exactly the way she's supposed to be."
And she is exactly that...
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
Gabrielle is strong willed.
Gabrielle is brilliant.
Gabrielle is exceptional.
Gabrielle is loved beyond belief.
Gabrielle is perfect.
Gabrielle's family will take on the world right by her side. We will change perceptions one mind at a time because we know personally that the person you see is exactly the way she was supposed to be. Take a minute to get to know her and she will win you over with one bat of her big brown eyes. We invite into our story, our life, our world.
As for Gabrielle's health, she has been doing really well. She also is doing well in school and gearing up for the end of a great pre-k year. We have a mardi gras parade coming up at daycare, Gabrielle
& Avery's birthdays, and lots of other exciting things!
As always we thank you for taking time to follow and pray for our family and especially for Gabrielle. I'm going to steal another one of my favorite quotes from another one of my favorite blogs:
To God be the Glory!
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