
Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone! We here at the Himel house hope you all have had a very merry day. I am so in awe at the love we have felt in our house today. We started out our day just the four of us and then family and friends arrived to exchange hugs, kisses and of course a few gifts for the girls. This year has been amazing for us and we wouldn't have made it through if it had not been for our family and friends. To be able to have able to have a few of that support group at our house tonight was great. Our holiday festivities will continue this weekend with a trip to visit my mom and then maybe in s few weeks we will make a trip to Ruston. 

After a day like today I wonder sometimes why we are so blessed when others have such hurdles? But I also know that I shouldn't question such things. I just be humble and thankful for the blessings bestowed on our family such as health, full bellies and beds to rest. Thank you dear lord for our blessings, we are forever grateful for your birth and sacrifice so that we may have the lives we live today. We do have hurdles of our own but with our strength and faith we will make them through continuously. Thank you again for the prayers, and kind words that we receive daily they mean the world to us! 

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