and that it is what will work best for Gabby. After todays procedure they pediatric staff noticed that she was becoming more pale as the day went on. They drew labs and it was discovered that Gabby’s MCV level was dangerously low and the decision was made to give her a blood transfusion which is happening currently as I type. It took a bit to get started because it true Gabby fashion she has one of the most unique blood types, AB+ and they didn’t have the blood type at the hospital so it had to be requested from the blood bank. Pending all goes well with the transfusion and that she is up and moving in the morning hopefully when should be headed home by Sunday. Fingers Crossed!!
Gabrielle Gossip
Gabrielle Gossip is a blog page set up to update our friends and family on Gabby's condition. Gabrielle was born with a major birth defect called OEIS or Cloacal Exstropy. It is an extremely rare birth defect only affecting children 1 in every 400,000 live births. Cloacal exstrophy affects the organs of the abdominal area (mainly the bladder and intestines) where they are displaced to the outside of the body cavity. The birth defect is fixed over the course of several surgeries.
Westward to new destinations… El Paso
and that it is what will work best for Gabby. After todays procedure they pediatric staff noticed that she was becoming more pale as the day went on. They drew labs and it was discovered that Gabby’s MCV level was dangerously low and the decision was made to give her a blood transfusion which is happening currently as I type. It took a bit to get started because it true Gabby fashion she has one of the most unique blood types, AB+ and they didn’t have the blood type at the hospital so it had to be requested from the blood bank. Pending all goes well with the transfusion and that she is up and moving in the morning hopefully when should be headed home by Sunday. Fingers Crossed!!
Don't walk through life, staring down at your feet.
A first time for everything
Headaches are such a pain!
Processing Prevention over Plans
Here we are again...
Sorry… I know it has been a minute since we have last updated Gabrielle’s blog. In a way it is something to be very thankful. No news, is good news, right? Gabby has been doing very well since I last updated you all. She has been doing great in 5th grade. Lately, she has competed in a few cooking contests for 4H in which she has placed in each event she has entered. We are so very proud of her!
Gabby this past Christmas |
Over the
last 12 months Gabrielle has experience quite the growth spurt. While this is
wonderful news being, she is so petite, it does also have the potential to cause
problems in a child with Gabby’s condition. If you are just reading our blog
for the first time, I will take a moment to quickly update you on Gabrielle’s
birth defect and what it pertains to. Gabby was born with a birth anomaly
called OEIS. This affects 4 major areas of her body. O- omphalocele- the
abdominal wall does not complete the closure correctly to protect the internal
abdominal organs. She had 2 surgeries (first- 2010 and second-2012) to repair
this abdominal wall opening. E- exstrophy of the bladder- the bladder is
typically on the outside of the body, split in half with the inside of the
bladder facing outside of the body. She has had 3 operations on her bladder to
get her to the point she is today (first- 2010, third- 2013, and her most recent
2018). I- imperforate anus- unfortunately currently for Gabrielle’s case this
is not able to be corrected, so since she was 3 days old, she has had a
colostomy bag. S- spina bifida- this what we are here to update you on today.
has a very mild form of spina bifida called a Lipomyelomeningocele. The following is a description of
what that entails found on the website from New York City, NY one
of the hospitals that Gabrielle has seen physicians in her 10 years.
Lipo = fat
Myelo =
the nerves of the spinal cord
Meningo =
the meninges, or membranes (coverings) around the spinal cord
Cele =
a swelling
Lipomyelomeningocele is a
condition in which an abnormal growth of fat attaches to the spinal cord and
its membranes.
Lipomyelomeningocele arises
from an event very early in an embryo’s development. About the third week after
conception, a sheet of cells called the neural plate folds to
form a tube called the neural tube. The top of the neural tube
becomes the brain, and the rest of the tube becomes the spinal cord.
Lipomyelomeningocele occurs when an error in the closure of the neural tube
allows a type of cell called mesenchyme to contact the inside
of the neural tube. These cells prevent the tube from closing properly,
disrupting the formation of meninges (membranes, or coverings)
and bones around the spinal cord.
Wherever the mesenchymal cells
touch the outside of the neural tube, they develop into spinal meninges as
usual. Everywhere else, they develop into fat cells. The end result is a fatty
growth called a lipoma that begins in or near the spinal cord,
connects with the meninges, and extends past the bones of the spinal canal to
form a pad of fat beneath the skin.
Normally, the spinal cord is
able to move somewhat freely within the spinal canal. But in
lipomyelomeningocele, the cord’s movement is restricted by the lipoma’s
connection with the meninges and the area outside the spinal canal. This
condition is called a tethered spinal cord,
and it may have severe consequences.
Lipomyelomeningocele is one
type of spinal dysraphism.
It may be associated with other forms of dysraphism, dermoid or epidermoid cysts or Chiari malformation.
This past
November we started really pursuing seeing a neurosurgeon after continuing to
see a decline in her balance and her steadily getting worse. She had a sedated
MRI at Childrens New Orleans and they discovered that her syrinx (a fluid pocket
on her spine) had grown since her last MRI. Over the last year due to her
growth spurt she has developed a fluid pocket along her spine in the lumbar
section. This fluid is putting pressure not only directly on her spine in that
spot but also adding additional pressure to her tethered cord. The neurosurgeon
we have met with in New Orleans think that this is causing problems with her
balance and with her feet. Gabrielle’s feet have always been slightly misshapen
which is not uncommon, sometimes children born with OEIS will also have other
issues such as club feet. Thankfully in Gabby’s case her feet are not clubbed
however they are missing muscle tone and the flexibility that you and I have in
our feet. The neurosurgeon believes that the excessive pulling her on her spine
is sending the wrong message to her brain, which is turn sending the wrong
message to her feet. Due to the miscommunication her feet are starting to turn
and draw up causing her balance to be much worse and making getting around
harder. She must exert much more effort than the average person to get herself
from one place to the next. After talking to the neurosurgeon and consulting
with an orthopedic surgeon we have decided that her next step is spinal
surgery. This is the one surgery that Bart and I have tried to avoid her having
for the last 10 years. The very first neurosurgeon from New Orleans was
extremely pushy about having Gabby detethered by the time she was 18 months
old. By the time Gabby was 2 we had made the move to Cincinnati Children’s and
their philosophy on detethering children like Gabby was much more relaxed and
not as rushed. Dr. Volk, her new neurosurgeon, explained to me that American
medicine tends to want to do things very fast and early whereas Eastern
medicine tends to take things slower and stage things out as a matter of
importance. Basically, do not treat until a problem presents itself. He has
stressed to me that is perfectly fine that we have chosen to wait for Gabby to
have this surgery. As of right now Gabrielle is scheduled to have surgery on
2/11/2021 in New Orleans. We are hoping to be home in 4-7 days and then she
will stay home from school and hopefully be able to attend virtually for 2 to 3
weeks and then return to her regular life. Gabby waiting to have her MRI done @ Childrens New Orleans
continue to pray for Gabby and our family. This has not been an easy decision
for Bart and me to make. We have made sure to keep Gabby herself informed every
step of the process because we feel that this is very important as she is
starting to get older. Avery is struggling with accepting her sister have yet
another surgery. I’m not sure that I even know what to qualify as a surgery
really to give you a count on how many she has had. In my mind a surgery is
qualified by being put under anesthesia and having a procedure done. IF that is
the case then her surgeries are as follows.
First- 3
days old @ New Orleans Childrens (colostomy placement, omphalocele closure)
Second- 2
years old @ Cincinnati Childrens (omphalocele repair and colostomy revision)
Third- 3
years old @ Cincinnati Childrens (bladder revision & double hip osteotomy)
Fourth- 3
years old @ Cincinnati Childrens (removal of external fixature/drainage tubes)
Fifth- 8
years old @ MUSC Charleston, SC (mitrofanoff surgery)
Sixth- 8
years old @ MUSC Charleston, SC (exploratory & drainage removal)
This spinal
surgery will be her 7th major surgery in just shy of 11 years. It
does sound like a lot but really the realm of where we live our life
comparatively against other OEIS families that is very minimal. I can tell you
something; she has gone through more than any child should. She is special,
unique and I would not change a single thing that I do not medically need to
for her to strive to become the young lady she is turning into. She is the
bravest person I know, and I am so beyond blessed to her mama. This was our most recent trip to Farmerville to visit family for Christmas.
Dreams do come true...
Recently, our family was connected to a wonderful organization called Dreams Come True of Louisiana. Bart and I have had a small link to the organization for a few years now because we cook in the jambalaya competition at the South Louisiana Crawfish Festival. However, never did we think that our relationship with the organization would expand further than that. You just never realize when you meet people what those relationships may hold. Years ago Bart and I became friends with Ms. Shelby and her granddaughter Cassidy. We have remained friends with them over the years and they have followed Gabby’s journey as we have followed Cassidy’s all these years. Shelby and Cassidy have been affiliated with DCT for many years and this year they introduced our family to Mrs. Freddye and the DCT organization. We can not begin to express our gratefulness for this introduction. Dreams Come True gifted Gabrielle and our family with a dream vacation. Gabrielle’s dream vacation was to stay at a Great Wolf Lodge and she wanted to see real snow. The ladies at DCT got right to work and planned us a vacation to Great Wolf Lodge in Colorado Springs, Co. We took our trip last week from Wednesday to Sunday. This is our first true family vacation EVER! If you have followed Gabby’s story over the years then you know we take trips out of town for her to see a urological specialist. These trips have taken our family from Cincinnati to New York City to Charleston. We always try to make the best of these trips with visiting local attractions, zoos, baseball games, and family. But regardless of what you do while you are in that city, there is always a surgery, a MRI or a follow up appointment scheduled and lots and lots of time is waiting rooms to dampen the spirit of the trip. This Dreams Come True trip was so far from our past trips. We had almost a full 5 days of nothing but snow, swimming and fun!
Our family want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts to the Dreams Come True organization for a wonderful trip. Gabby and Avery loved every minute of it. When I asked last night what their favorite part was, they listed off almost every thing we did… the water park, mini golf, the arcade, the SNOW; the list goes on and on! If you are ever looking to support and donate to a local organization please consider Dreams Come True. They have gifted our little girls with something that Bart and myself have been trying to accomplish for years… a few days of joy that didn’t revolve around Gabby’s birth condition. We look forward to many more fun times with this organization.
We also want to thank Ms. Shelby and Cassidy again for thinking of our family and helping make this connection.